One time we were sitting in the Jogokariyan mosque, in the presence of Syekh Dr. Abu Bakr Al 'Awawidah, Vice Chairman of Palestine Ulama Rabita'. We asked him, "O Syekh, various studies stated that the Palestinian issue won’t finish until the Arabian nations unite. What do you think?"
He smiled. "Not so, O Ukhayya", gently he said. "Verily Allah chose to glorify this religion through whoever he chose among His servants. He fulfilled the conditions for them, and then He honored them with glory and religion."
"In the initial period," he continued, "Allah had chosen the Arabians. Led by the Prophet Muhammad, The Four Caliphs, and some rulers of Umayyad Daula’, this religion met its prosperity. Then when the rulers along with the subordinates deviated, Allah revoke that glorious mandate off them."
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The Glory of Islam |
"In the following period, Allah chose the Persians. From the direction of Khurasan they came to support 'Abbasids Daula’. The main support of this Daula was from the Prime Minister, the family Al Baramikah, the commander, and even many of the Ulama & scholars. Allah raised it by the hands of Persians."
"Then by the time the Persians turned and deviated, Allah revoked the mandate from them. He gave it to the Kurds; in the peak of Saladin (Salahuddin Al Ayubi) and his descendants."
"When they were far from the religion, Allah turned it to the former slaves from Central Asia who reigned in Egypt; Quthuz, Baybars, Qalawoon were among them. They the Mamluks."
"When the Mamluks turned away, Allah moved it to the Turks. 'Uthman Orthughrul & down to the generations, reaching Fetih (Muhammad Al-Fatih)."
"As the Ottoman deviated, Allah took it away until today. He hasn’t appointed other nations to lead the glory of Islam once again.” He sighed, then smiled. With his blind eyes due to Israel's torture prison, he directed his face at us and said.
"Truly, among the great nations that accepted Islam, the nation of yours; is rather short, brown-skinned, also snub-nosed", he said with a slight laugh, "That hasn’t been appointed by Him to lead this religion."
"And wasn’t the Prophet said that the one who will bring the glory at the end of times come from the East with their black flags? It used to be guessed Khurasan by the Ulama’, and Abbasid Daula’ already took that. But today we know; The Islamic world stretching from the Maghreb, from Morocco to Merauke, ", chucklingly he said.
"So I really hope, as intended by the Prophet that is you, O Muslim of archipelago nation. Today, your duty is to fulfill the requirements to be worthy appointed by Allah to lead the Islamic civilization."
"Ah, I've seen the signs. But perhaps we, the Palestinians still have to be patient for a while fighting on the front lines. Be patient waiting for you as a decent lead. Be patient waiting for you to come. Be patient until we are together to pray at the independent Aqsa Mosque. Insha Allah."
Written by Salim A Fillah
Waiting for The Glory of Islam, muqame ibrahim, mecca, house of allah, glory of islam
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