The Month of Dhulhijjah which is the final month of the Hijri year is one of the glorious months that also must be known by Muslims of course. If you talk about this month, certainly in our minds will remember Hajj and Eid Adha day on 10th Dhulhijjah. And also in Indonesia, this month is known for events of eating roasted meat together and also a month full of married being held. Of course in Islam, month Dhulhijjah have noble position so a lot of righteous deeds we can do, and what a pity to miss it.
From Ibn 'Abbas r.a. that the Prophet said, "There are no days in which good deeds at that time were more beloved by Allah than these days, ie the ten days of the month Dhulhijjah." They asked, "O Messenger of Allah, not even jihad fi sabilillah?" He replied, "Not even jihad fi sabilillah, except those that came out (jihad) with the soul and money, then do not come back with anything." (Narrated by Bukhari) From `Umar, the Prophet said, "There is no day of the most majestic and very loved by Allah to do good in it than this ten days (Dhulhijjah). Then in that time, we should be multiplied tahlil, takbir, and tahmid." (Narrated by Ahmad)
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Good Practices in The Month of Dhulhijjah |
Some good deeds around the month of Dhulhijjah are:
1. Hajj and ‘Umra
These are the most important deeds in the month of Dhulhijjah. No other hajj than in the month of Dhulhijjah. The reward for those who can perform this is great in the sight of Allah. The Prophet said., "From 'Umrah to Umrah is a ransom (sins done) in between, and the Mabrur hajj the reward is no other than heaven."
2. Fasting
Fasted for 10 days in the first days of the month Dhulhijjah, or in the part, or at least a day on the day of Arafah. Fasting is also the main deed. Allah chooses fasting as a servant’s practice for Him so that He alone determines the reward. It is contained in a Hadith Qudsi. "Fasting is for Me, and I am the one who will reward. Indeed he has abandoned lust, food, and drink simply because of who I am."
In a hadith narrated from Abu Said Al-Khudri, the Prophet said, "It is not a servant fasts in one day on the path of Allah, but Allah certainly would distance him of that fasting from the fire of hell for seventy years long." (Hadith muttafaq 'alaih)
From Abu Qatadah r.a. that the Prophet said, "Fasting on the day of Arafah cause of expecting reward from Allah, merged the sins a year before and after". (Narrated by Muslim)
3. Do Takbir and dhikr
Expand takbir and dhikr in the first 10 days of the month Dhulhijjah as commanded by Allah Almighty, ".... And that they may mention the name of Allah on the specific days ...." [QS. Al-Hajj (20): 28]. The exegetes interpret the phrase "in the days specified" with the "ten days of the month of Dhulhijjah". Therefore, the scholars suggested we expand our dhikr on those days. Moreover, there is the hadith of Ibn 'Umar that reinforce this. It reads, "Then multiply in those days, tahlil, takbir, and tahmid". (Narrated by Ahmad)
Imam Bukhari said that Ibn 'Umar and Abu Hurayrah out to the market on the ten days while echoing takbir and then people started to follow them. It is narrated that the tabi’in in those days saying, "Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, laa ilaha ilallah, walllahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahil hamdu." That means Allah is The Greatest, Allah is The Greatest, and there is no God besides Allah. And Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, all Praises to Allah."
Recommend to rise his voice when takbir as well as in mosques, homes, markets, or on the road. Allah says, "And to glorify Him in that He has guided you, and perchance ye shall be grateful.” [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 185]
Expand repent and abandon all forms of vices and sins. Vices are the cause of the servants' away from Allah. While obedience is the door to getting the love and mercy of Allah. And Allah has more love than the love of a servant toward Allah. Even Allah is jealous if his servants commit vices or sins. From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said, "Verily Allah is jealous, and the jealousy is when a servant does what Allah has forbidden to him." (Hadith muttafaq 'alaihi)
4. Good Deeds
Not just the obligatory deeds alone. Because Allah likes and loves a servant who is closer to Allah by doing nawafil (the practice of the Sunnah). We can multiply our sunnah salat, sadaqah, jihad, reading the Qur'an, and make doing good and avoiding evil. We really hope that all the practices can bring many rewards to us. But, we would expect to receive the love and pleasure of Allah.
5. Do Sacrifice
Can we do it at the Feast of Sacrifice and Tasyriq days? This worship is the Sunnah from Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad confirms it as a shari'ah for us. Word of the Prophet "Sacrifice by slaughtering two white and horned rams. Himself that slay them by call the name of Allah and do takbir, then put his feet beside the body of the sheep." (Hadith muttafaq 'alaihi).
6. Keep Hair and Nails
Prohibited from removing or cutting hair and nails for people who want to sacrifice. Narrated by Muslim and others, from Umm Salamah that the Prophet said: "If you see the new moon month of Dzulhijjah and anyone of you wants to make a sacrifice, let him refrain from (cut) his hair and nails." In another narration, "then he should not take anything from his hair or nails that he does sacrifice."
This is to resemble the people performing Hajj who leads the animal sacrifices. Word of Allah, "And don’t shave your (hair) heads until the offering (the animal) reaches the place of sacrifice." [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 196]. This prohibition, according to the sunnah, is only reserved for those who sacrifice, not including his wife and children, unless each of them makes a sacrifice too.
7. Eid Praying
Perform Eid Adha praying (salat)and listening to the sermons. In fact, children and women who have menstruation are instructed by Prophet to attend the congregation prayers Eid adha in the terrain to listen to the sermons.
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