Islam is very complete. We know that everything has been regulated such as the way of worship, ethics, and even dua starting when we wake up in the morning until sleep time at night. We have guidance in our life that comes from the Prophet Muhammad. Not like the other, Islam is very comprehensive and is a mercy to all universe.
Forgotten Sunnah of Eating in Islam |
Sunnah Before Eating
Sunnah before eating are as follows:
Sunnah 1
Choose only halal Foods and Drinks, clean from prohibited dirt, and syubha (doubtful), because Allah Ta'ala says,
"O ye who believe! Eat of the good sustenances that We have provided for you. And be grateful to Allah, if it is Him ye worship." (Al Baqarah(2):172).
The definition of good prosperity is halal no dirt in it.
Sunnah 2
Muslim intended foods and drinks as the means to strengthen their worship of Allah, so that they be rewarded for what they ate, and drank. Something that is mubah (permissible) if it is intended well, so it changed its status and became an observance, and a muslim be rewarded cause of it.
Sunnah 3
Muslim washed his hands before eating if they are dirty, or it can not ensure the cleanliness of both.
Sunnah 4
Muslim sat with tawadlu (humble) by sitting kneeling or sitting on his both ankles or enforcing his right leg and he was sitting on his left leg, as the seat of the Prophet., Because the Messenger of Allah said,
"I did not eat in the lean, because I'm a slave that eats like a slave eating, and I sit like a slave sit." (Narrated by Bukhari).
Sunnah 5
Receiving food, and not criticizing it. If he is interested in the food and he ate it, and if he was not attracted to it, so he did not eat it, because Abu Hurairah said,
"The Prophet never criticize the food, if he was interested in him so he ate it, and if he was not attracted to him, so he left it. "(Narrated by Abu Daud).
Sunnah 6
He ate with the others, for example with the guests, wife, children, or his servants, because of the Messenger of Allah. said,
"Assemble you all in your food, surely you will be given blessings in it." (Narrated by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi who sahih it).
Sunnah while Eating
Among sunnah while eating is as follows:
Sunnah 7
Start a meal with say bismillah, because of the Messenger of Allah. said,
"If any one of you eat, then mention the name of Allah Ta'ala. If he forgot to mention the name of Allah, let him mention the name of Allah at the beginning and let him say, In the name of God, from the beginning to the end. " (Narrated by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi).
Sunnah 8
End the meal by praising Allah, because of the Prophet. said,
"Whoever eats food, and said, 'Praise be to Allah who gives me food and gave it to me without any efforts and resources away from me, then his past sins be forgiven." (Muttafaq alaih).
Sunnah 9
He ate with three fingers of his right hand, discouraging bites, chewing food properly, eating food that was close to him (side), and do not eat from the middle of the plate, because of the following postulates, the Prophet said to 'Umar ibn Salamah,
"Young man, mention the name of Allah, eat with your right hand, and eat food that is close to you (side)." (Muttafaq alaih).
"The Blessings down in the middle of the meal. So therefore, eat from the edges, and not eat from the middle. "(Muttafaq alaih)
Sunnah 10
Chewing food properly, licking his fingers of food before wiping with a cloth, or washing it with water, because of the following postulates: Messenger of Allah. said,
"If any one of you eats the food, then he should not clean up his fingers before he licked it."
(Narrated by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi).
Jabir bin 'Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah ordered him to lick the fingers and plates. He said,
"Surely you do not know where your food the blessing it is." (Narrated by Muslim).
Sunnah 11
If there is a food that fell, he took and ate it, because of the Prophet. said,
"If fall off a bite of your food, should he take it, remove dirt from it, then take a bite of the food, so not let the devil eat it." (Narrated by Muslim).
Sunnah 12
Not blowing hot food, eating it when it's cold, do not breathe in the water when drinking, and breathing out of the water up to three times, because of the following postulates: Hadith Anas bin Malik said,
"The Prophet breathes outside of the water container up to three times." (muttafaq alaih).
Hadeeth of Abu Said Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah forbade breathing in drinks. (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi). Hadeeth of Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah forbade breathing in the drink, or blowing on it. (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi).
Sunnah 13
Avoid excessively sated, because the Messenger of Allah said:
"Son of Adam does not fill the place worse, than his stomach. Son of Adam was enough with a few mouthfuls that strengthen the spine. If he does not want to (not enough), then with a third of food, and with a third of drink, and another third for himself. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and al-Hakim. The Hadeeth is hasan).
Sunnah 14
Give food or drink to the most elderly, then turning to the people who were on his right and so on, and he became the last man to get rations drinks, because the following hadeeth, says the Prophet Muhammad,
"Start with the parents. Start with the parents." Mean, start with the elders. Prophet asked permission from Ibn Abbas to give food to the elderly people who left him, because Ibn Abbas was in his right hand, while older people were leaving him. That permission request to Ibn Abbas to deliver food to elderly people on the left shows that he was the most eligible person to drink the person who sits on the right. The Prophet said., "To the right, then to the right." (Muttafaq Alaib).
"The Giver drink the last."
Sunnah 15
He did not start eating, or drinking, being in the meeting room some people reserve the right to begin with, because of age or because of the superiority of his position, because it is unethical, and causes the man labeled greedy. A poet said if hands stretched out to stores, I did not rush ahead of them, because the people who are the most greedy were the ones rushing for food.
Sunnah 16
Hospitable towards his friends when eating along with them. And not eating more than others, especially if the food is not much, because eating a lot in such conditions is eating the right (quota) of others.
Sunnah 17
Did not see his friends while eating, and do not look at them, because it could be an embarrassment to them. He had to hold his views on women who eat around him and did not steal a view of them, because it can hurt them, and make them angry and he got all of that sin.
Sunnah 18
Not doing acts that are considered immodest by the local people. For example, should not be waved his hand in the dish, not hold his head up to the plate when eating so that there is nothing that falls from his head to the plate, then took the bread with his teeth he should not dip the rest in the plate, and not to say slovenly, because it can interrupt one of his friends, and disturbing the Moslem not good.
Sunnah 19
If he ate with the poor, he should prioritize these poor people. If he ate with his brothers, it is allowed to joke with them within the limits allowed. If he ate with the superior in position, then he must be polite, and respectful towards them.
Sunnah After Eating
The sunnah after the meal is as follows:
Sunnah 20
Muslim licked his hand, then wipe or wash it. But wash it better.
Sunnah 21
Clean up leftover food in his teeth, and rinse to clean his mouth, because with the mouth he dhikr toward Allah Ta'ala, and speaks with his brothers, and because oral health can prolong hygiene dental.
Sunnah 22
Praising Allah Ta'ala after he ate and drank. When he drinks milk, he said,
"O Allah, bless what you have given us, and increase Your prosperity (to us)".
When breaking the fast in the people's place, he said,
"People who do fasting, Iftar (open) at your place, the good people eat your food, and may the angels pray for you.”
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