These are the people who the angels pray for them:
1. People who sleep are always kept in a state of purity
Imam Ibn Hibban narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar., The Prophet Mohammed said, "Whoever is sleeping in a state of purity, the angels will be with them. He will not wake up until the angels pray 'O Allah, forgive your servants who sleep in the state of purity." (Hadith by Shaykh Al Albani in Saheeh At Targhib wat Tarheeb I/37)
2. People who sit waiting for salat
FromAbu Hurairah ra., That the Messenger of Allah said, "It's not one of you who sit waiting for the salat, as long as he is in a state of purity, but the angels will pray" O Allah, forgive him. Oh God loves him.” (Sahih Muslim, no. 469)
3. The people who were in the front rows in the salat
From Barra' bin 'Azib., That the Messenger of Allah said, "Allah and His angels send blessings upon the (people) who are at the forefront rows." (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
4. People who connect rows (not allowing a vacuum between rows)
Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban, and Al-Hakim narrated from Aisha., That the Prophet Mohammed said, "Verily, Allah and the angels always send blessings to people who connect rows." (hadith by Shaikh Al Albani Saheeh At Targhib wat Tarheeb I/272)
5. The angels say 'Aamiin' when the Imam finished reading Al Fatiha
From Abu Hurairah ra., That the Messenger of Allah said, "If an Imam reads “ghairil maghdhuubi 'alaihim waladh dhaalinn”, then recite of you ”aamiin”, for he who remarks coincides with the speech of angels, then he will be forgiven his past sins."( Sahih Bukhari no. 782)
6. People who remain sit in place after doing salat
Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said, "The angels will always send blessings to one of you as long as he is in the shat spot where he was, as long as he has not canceled his wudhu, Then (the angels) said, 'O Allah, forgive and love him”. (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, Al-Musnad no. 8106)
7. The people who perform the Dawn prayer and 'Asr in the congregation
From Abu Hurairah., That the Messenger of Allah said, "The angels gathered at the dawn and then the angels (who accompanies servant) at night (which had on duty the night until dawn) up (to the sky), and the angels during the day remain to stay on. Then they gathered again at the time of 'Asr and angels assigned by day (to 'Asr time) up (to the sky) while the angels were on duty at night remained to stay, and God ask to them, “How can you leave my servant?”, they replied, “We came while they were praying and left them while they were praying, so forgive them on the Day of Resurrection.”(Narrated by Imam Ahmad)
8. People who pray for their brother without the knowledge of those who were prayed
From Ummud Darda' ., Rasulullah said, "The prayer of a Muslim for his brother without the knowledge of the person he is praying for, the prayer will be granted. On his head will be an angel who became deputy for him, whenever he prays for his brother with kindness, the angels will say “aamiin” and you also get what he got." (Narrated by Muslim no. 2733)
9. People who Infaq
From Abu Hurairah ra., That the Messenger of Allah said, "Not a single day where there was the morning to a servant, except two angels came down to him, one of the two said, “O Allah, give change for people who give donations”. And the other says, “O Allah, destroy the property of the stingy people."(Narrated by Bukhari - Muslim no. 1010)
10. People who eat Sahur (early time before dawn)
Imam Ibn Hibban and Imam Ath Thabrani, narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar., That the Messenger of Allah said, "Allah and His angels send blessings to people who eat the sahoor meal." (Hadith shaheeh by Shaykh Al Albani in Saheeh At Targhiib wat Tarhiib I/519)
11. People who visit the sick
Imam Ahmad narrated from 'Ali ibn Abi Talib., That the Messenger of Allah said, "It is not a believer visiting his brother but Allah will send 70,000 angels for him and send blessings for him any time of the day until the afternoon and at night until dawn." (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, Al-Musnad no. 754)
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